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Recent government-funded peer-reviewed science indicates that fluoride has the potential to damage the brains of our children.

Sept. 24, 2024 - History has been made. After 7 years of pursuing legal action against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the risk posed to the developing brain by the practice of water fluoridation, the United States District Court of the Northern District of California has just ruled on behalf of the Fluoride Action Network and the plaintiffs in our precedent-setting court case. A U.S. federal court has now deemed fluoridation an "unreasonable risk" to the health of children, and the EPA will be forced to regulate it as such. The decision is written very strongly in our favour. Below is an excerpt from the introduction of the ruling:


"The issue before this Court is whether the Plaintiffs have established by a preponderance of the evidence that the fluoridation of drinking water at levels typical in the United States poses an unreasonable risk of injury to health of the public within the meaning of Amended TSCA. For the reasons set forth below, the Court so finds. Specifically, the Court finds that fluoridation of water at 0.7 milligrams per liter (“mg/L”) – the level presently considered “optimal” in the United States – poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children...the Court finds there is an unreasonable risk of such injury, a risk sufficient to require the EPA to engage with a regulatory response...One thing the EPA cannot do, however, in the face of this Court’s finding, is to ignore that risk."



When municipalities fluoridate our tap water, it denies Canadians the right to choose whether they wish to drink it, shower in it or cook with it.  At Fluoride Free Canada we support all  efforts across Canada to end this outdated practice. We will endeavour to help both municipalities and individuals by providing them with the best science that indicates that this practice is harmful to health, especially the dangers it poses to the brains of our children and the bones of the elderly. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of others.
Watch this short video and learn the most current truth...



Even though fluoridation is a municipal responsibility, Fluoride Free Canada has written a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to inform him that water fluoridation has the potential to threaten the brains of our children. We believe he must act on their behalf.  Feel free to modify/alter this letter, for presentation to your own Provincial and Municipal bodies.

We urge you to send out your own copy of this letter and get as many other people you know to do so as well. There is much information in this letter that the other political leaders and Canadian citizens do not know, so circulating this letter far and wide is a splendid educational tool for all Canadians. Help us move Prime Minister Trudeau and the Provincial and Territorial Premiers to protect Canadian childrens' developing brains from fluoridated tap water.

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau

Top Canadian scientists concur that the fetal and infant brain can be damaged by fluoridated tap water...

Case Status
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On September 24, 2024 a US Federal court ruled in favour of Food and Water Watch, et al. in their proceedings against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).   The case was heard in June 2020 (via Zoom). In the case, testimony was provided by Philippe Grandjean, Howard Hu co-author of the Bashash (2017, 2018) studies and Bruce Lanphear, co-author of the Green (2019) and Till (2020) studies. The judge was very interested in the new science and delayed his ruling until he had in his hands the final report of the U.S. National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) review on fluoride’s neurotoxicity and the Benchmark Dose (BMD) analysis by Grandjean (et al).

This could bode VERY WELL  for Canadians, as it would be hard for the Canadian government to ignore any changes implemented by the EPA in favour of defluoridation. 

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The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) website has existed since the year 2000 and rather than duplicate the information that they have on Canadian activity, it is included here:

Paul Connett, PhD, is a retired professor of chemistry specializing in environmental chemistry and toxicology. He is the current director of the Fluoride Action Network, which he helped to found in 2000. He co-authored the book The Case Against Fluoride [Chelsea Green, 2010] with Dr. James Beck from Calgary and Dr. Spedding Micklem from Edinburgh, Scotland. He is featured in several of the videos below. He has been involved since 1996 and has helped many communities in Canada fight fluoridation. He has given presentations on the topic in many cities in Canada, including: Toronto, Ottawa, Oakville, Brantford, London, Mississauga, Peterborough, Dryden, Waterloo, Calgary, Montreal and Prince George.

Video Strip



Use this content to formulate your own presentation!

UK Parliament Dec/2021
Result:  Still outstanding

Orillia, ON 2012
Result:  Rejected Fluoridation

Calgary, AB 2011
Result:  Rejected Fluoridation (Vote 10-3)

Windsor Presentation cover.PNG

PowerPoint with Script

Windsor, ON 2012
Result:  Rejected Fluoridation

(Unfortunately, fluoridation reintroduced in 2022)

Windsor Presentation 2024 cover.PNG

2024 Presentation to Council

Highlights Latest Science
Windsor, ON 2024


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Stay up to date on all fluoridation related news, advocacy, science, and actions you can take locally to help end this practice.

“Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.”


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